Sunday, August 24, 2008


News for now, comment on Karen’s blog, maybe a post
The whole paper is mobbed up and the rich people seem to have their way with the news. Precisely because of this it will continue to be printed to tell the people what to think. For control. What would Murdoch do? As if I can drop Citizen Kane’s name too. I don’t know. How about running both paper and internets divisions, and one needn’t be exact in allocating common costs. We’ve heard how youth is illiterate for a long, long time. Because of television perhaps. Nowadays high school graduation is less frequent.
If the paper doesn’t hold the youngsters’ interest, whose fault is that? I prefer hard copy to all this scrolling and clicking, and ads taking forever to open up. And whose racket is high speed ISP anyway? The same people who collect the campaign money, and the oil money? Oh… I’ll shut up about responsibility

So the above little piece, without the top line, began life as a comment on a blogger lady’s blog. Her cartoon showed how newspaper readership has declined because people have no time, information can be had by scanning blogs, and that being informed isn’t necessary. She asks what happens when it’s known that only dorks and oldsters read newspapers, and what happens when newspapers go away.
Maybe I should be thankful for an editor who saved me from embarrassing myself on her forum. Maybe not. I think my response, though containing vinegar, is more optimistic for newspaper future.
Maybe it should have been split into another paragraph or two. Maybe it’s all over the place. I subsequently considered explaining line by line.
I was surprised when she demonstrated how newspapers have editorial control, or self censorship. My comment was deleted by a blog administrator. I’m guessing she didn’t like my first sentence. I’m thinking the paper never met a union it didn’t like. Including its employees. I say this favors the mob, as well does the fact that every headline can be read with multiple meanings that do inform in an underhand way.
A guy blogger commented that the paper was slow to expose the county corruption of late. Perhaps related is that I have complained how big construction is corrupt with the mafia (in a prior post.) I’m saying maybe people are tired or reading that sweet stuff. How about telling the mob to get stuffed. Perhaps even half measures along this line would boost readership.
About the rich, consistently it seems that money talks, and B.S. walks. Example include these: when the stock market goes up, how about saying that the rich are getting richer, or that the capital wealth of the nation is getting farther out of reach of the working or unemployed poor? Likewise when housing stock devalues, how about saying the dream of owning one’s own home is more within reach?
So that’s a lot about the first sentence. And at the end I vent about these large money transfers. This is related to newspapers because news, whether paper, radio, TV, or internet, is big business. I think I’ve brought hope in tweaking perspective with regard to the mob and the rich. Also it may help to try harder to interest the young. As for myself, I tend to be irresponsible as a life choice.
Still I’m working on the medical piece promised. It’s slow reading regarding how rural Chinese eat less animal fat and protein, and have less cancer and heart disease. I expect this message is slow to get out because of big medicine, big pharma, and animal foods industry.

1 comment:

John Ettorre said...

Kind of pathetic that she deleted your comment, if you ask me. That is, I should hasten to add, unless you added something to it that isn't to be found here. Old-fashioned newspaper people can be old fuddy duddies, and they're just not used to the more open and spirited debate online. That's a pity.